The Nexus Podcast
Every one of us have the exact same potential to be successful. The Nexus Podcast is a deep dive into what it truly takes to tap into the infinite potential that each of us have a human beings. Part research, part storytelling, The Nexus Podcast will explore a topic each week surrounding one of the following: Posture, Presence, Productivity, & Profit. Your ability to come into your own personal power starts with your posture (which is a direct indicator of brain health), and only when you address your brain in a very specific way can you gain the presence, productivity, and profit that you're actually seeking. Join me.
The Nexus Podcast
Dr. Daniel Kimbley
Season 1
Episode 298
One of the things that I constantly battle as a practitioner is the fact that mentality (the thoughts we think) can absolutely WRECK our physiology. On this episode I share exactly how that works, what GOD says about fear, and how to start breaking free from incorrect thinking cycles. If you're looking for an episode on MINDSET, this is the one for you.