The Nexus Podcast
Every one of us have the exact same potential to be successful. The Nexus Podcast is a deep dive into what it truly takes to tap into the infinite potential that each of us have a human beings. Part research, part storytelling, The Nexus Podcast will explore a topic each week surrounding one of the following: Posture, Presence, Productivity, & Profit. Your ability to come into your own personal power starts with your posture (which is a direct indicator of brain health), and only when you address your brain in a very specific way can you gain the presence, productivity, and profit that you're actually seeking. Join me.
302 episodes
Challenging Myths in Chiropractic Care | Ep. 302
The episode challenges the myth that chiropractic care must be a lifelong commitment while emphasizing the importance of brain function in relation to physical pain. Key discussions include distinguishing between treatment and care, recognizing...
Season 1
Episode 302
Aligning Decisions with Your Core Values | Ep. 301
This episode dives deep into the power of decision-making, exploring how our choices shape our lives. We discuss the importance of intuition, the role of small decisions in achieving success, and how a strong moral compass can guide us in makin...
Season 1
Episode 300
The Power of Chiropractic Care for Stress Reduction and Purposeful Living | Ep. 300
Chiropractic care goes beyond pain management, serving as a crucial foundation for overall wellness, especially for high achievers. This episode discusses the importance of brain health, the impact of stress on relationships, and the interconne...
Season 1
Episode 300
The Nexus Philosophy | Ep. 299
When most people visit a doctor, they often think, "The doctor will heal me." However, I want to challenge this perspective with a different idea: "The body was designed to heal itself."The truth is, God created your body to perform tri...
Season 1
Episode 299
One of the things that I constantly battle as a practitioner is the fact that mentality (the thoughts we think) can absolutely WRECK our physiology. On this episode I share exactly how that works, what GOD says about fear, and how to start brea...
Season 1
Episode 298
Here's How Long It Takes To ACTUALLY Heal | Ep 297
I often get asked, how long is it going to take for me to get results? So that's the answer to this week's episode.How long will it actually take my body to fully heal?
Season 1
Episode 297
Nutrition Isn't Enough | Ep 296
In this episode I share a case study from a client of ours and discuss how nutrition alone isn't going to solve all of your problems unless you get this ONE thing exactly right.
Why Would a Newborn Baby Possibly Need Adjusted? | Ep. 295
Reflecting back upon the years I've been in practice, I had a scenario come to mind that I've never shared before about a house call I did a few years ago. In this episode, I'll answer a few questions:Why would a baby ...
Season 1
Episode 295
You Can Only Choose Two | Ep. 294
A question I get asked often..."Why can't you just adjust me one time and my 20 years worth of injuries be gone forever?"Well, truth is, you can only choose TWO...
Season 1
Episode 294
Maintenance | Ep. 293
Maintenance. Most of us are aware that we have to maintain a garden, our cars, our homes...but somehow that doesn't translate to the body that we only have one lifetime in.This week I talk about what maintenance looks like, and what YOU...
Season 1
Episode 293
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year | Ep. 292
Everyone asks...why is it that it's flu-season again?Why are my kids sick?And what can I do to naturally boost my immunity naturally?If you like our content, head over to our website: wher...
Season 1
Episode 292
How to Reprogram Your Brain For Success | Ep. 291
This week I talk about specifically how to reprogram your brain and start to train your subconscious mind to look for more of what you ACTUALLY want in life.What questions do you have?
Season 1
Episode 291
10 Lessons From My Competition | Ep. 290
This week on the podcast, I share my top 10 lessons from my physique competition that I took on a few weeks ago. From fake tans, to pumps backstage, to lots and lots of waiting around...I share my top 10 takeaways with you. Enjoy....
Season 1
Episode 290
Seeds | Ep. 289
Your body has more potential than you could ever imagine.BY DESIGN | A Brain-Based DocumentaryConnect with Dr. Daniel:
Season 1
Episode 289
Why Do I Say "Expressing Health" | Ep. 288
In my house I refuse to use the words "getting sick".This week I answer the questions:1) Why Does Our Body Have Symptoms?2) Why Is Flu Season, well, Flu Season?3) What Can You Do?
Season 1
Episode 288
What Does The Bible Say About Your Body? | Ep. 287
Everyone has heard 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 where it talks about your body being a temple.My question is what does that even mean?And more importantly, what does that have to do with what we do inside of our office?Jump int...
Season 1
Episode 287
What Happens When I Worry? | Ep. 286
This episode is simple, I answer the question of:"What happens when I worry?"This week I dive into why someone would just wake up with severe neck pain when they had never had it before. I'll address HOW stress hormones cr...
Season 1
Episode 286
The Power of Chiropractic Care | Ep. 285
I can't help but be insanely inspired by all of the results we are seeing with clients in our office right now, so I wanted to share with you a few case studies to highlight the absolutely INSANE power that chiropractic care has on the brain.
Season 1
Episode 285
Casting Spells and Creating New Agreements | Ep. 284
This week I'm heavily inspired by the Bible and some of its principles around the power of the tongue.Specifically, I talk about how to transform your life and why the speaking the words you speak are so important.
Season 1
Episode 284
Do Not Fear | Ep. 283
BY DESIGN | A Brain-Based DocumentaryConnect with Dr. Daniel:Instagram
Season 1
Episode 283
There's Only ONE WAY to Address Your Posture | Ep. 282
I've had about 7 people in the last week come in with goals of improving posture. On this episode I'll talk about 3 things:1) Where does poor posture come from?2) Why simply stretching isn't enough?3) What CAN you do to start to cha...
Season 1
Episode 282
What's Possible for YOU? | Ep. 281
I think a lot of times we think things are possible for one person but not for ourselves. Today, I tackle the question of "what's possible for YOU" and I share a shining case study of EXACTLY the results we get in our office on a day-to-d...
Season 1
Episode 281
Why Does Chiropractic Work With Behavioral Issues? | Ep.280
Inspired by a super cool case study this week in the office, I realized that I don't think I've ever done an episode on behavioral issues. Until now.Here's how the brain is organized and how the right chiropractic care can help...
Season 1
Episode 280