The Nexus Podcast
The Nexus Podcast
Aligning Decisions with Your Core Values | Ep. 301
This episode dives deep into the power of decision-making, exploring how our choices shape our lives. We discuss the importance of intuition, the role of small decisions in achieving success, and how a strong moral compass can guide us in making the best choices for ourselves.
• Exploring the difference between good and bad decisions
• Understanding intuition as a guiding force
• Personal anecdotes highlighting pivotal life choices
• The concept of vitalism and its influence on decision-making
• Overcoming fear to make responsible choices
• The snowball effect of small decisions leading to success
• Emphasizing accountability in decision-making
• Encouraging listeners to take actionable steps towards better choices
Are you a high-performing parent, entrepreneur, or high-achiever in pursuit of excellence? Welcome to the Nexus Podcast, a podcast custom-tailored for families like ours Driven, affluent and eager to lead extraordinary lives, from rockstar stay-at-home moms to high-producing CEOs. We choose to model success for everyone we are surrounded by. We prioritize health over sickness, embrace a vitalistic lifestyle and seek to tap into the limitless potential that God has bestowed upon us. I'm Dr Daniel Kimble, your host, and on this podcast, we'll uncover the secrets to living a fulfilling and abundant life where you and your loved ones can thrive physically, mentally and spiritually. Together, we'll forge a path to greatness and unleash your God-given capabilities. Get ready to say yes to a life of true prosperity and well-being. This is the Nexus Podcast.
Speaker 2:What up, Nexus fam? I'm Coco, this is the Nexus Podcast and my dad is your host, Dr Daniel Kimblee, and I heart him Happy listening.
Dr. Daniel:What is up? Nexus, fam, it is Dr Daniel, back with another episode of the podcast, and this one looks a little different. I'm back in the home office recording, but neither here nor there. What I want to talk about today is the idea of good decisions and bad decisions, and you know, I woke up probably in the middle of the night last night. So this is fresh, like when you hear this episode, this will be less than a week old.
Dr. Daniel:I woke up in the middle of the night last night and I was thinking about this idea of obedience and I didn't really feel like it was my position to talk about obedience from a God perspective for this episode, necessarily on this episode of the podcast. But I'm laying there and I'm thinking like there's got to be something valuable here that I could share. And as I thought more about obedience, I really just thought about the idea of making good decisions and one of the things that I often tell people inside of our office, that I talk to on pretty much a daily basis, especially moms. You know like I have a lot of families who will ask hey, what do you think about antibiotics, or what do you think about vaccines, or what do you think about giving my kid melatonin, or what do you think about giving my kid vitamin D, or what do you think I should do for my knee, and what this doctor told me versus what this other doctor told me versus what this other doctor told me. So I get all these questions and sometimes it's difficult to sift through and I can't imagine how difficult it must be really for a family to like sit If you don't, if you don't have a compass.
Dr. Daniel:Um, like, one of the one of the core values for my family Heather, coco and I is vitalism, and we actually use that inside of the office to vitalism just meaning that the body is self healing, self-regulating and self-maintaining. And so I I bring that up because when you have a compass, it makes it really easy to make good decisions. But when you don't have a compass, if you don't have core values, if you don't know what you stand for, it can make it very, very difficult to make good decisions. And so one of the things kind of a hack or a cheat code, if you will to making good decisions I always tell people is like just listen to your intuition. Now, I would call intuition Holy Spirit and being guided by literally what God is like, trying to pull you or get you to do. But whatever you call it, I think intuition is probably a good, good word that everybody can understand and agree with. And so you know, I always, often tell moms I'm like, hey, what do you think you should do, like, what do you feel like the right decision is? This doctor told you to do X, y, z, but what do you feel like is the right thing to do in your heart? And oftentimes that answer that people will give is different than what the doctor or the expert or the guru or whatever told them. So I struggle with this, like quite a bit throughout my life and that's why I feel like I have some authority to talk about it. So I'll give you an example of exactly what I'm talking about and this idea of good decisions.
Dr. Daniel:So when I was in undergrad, I worked at an oil change shop and so I like, literally I was the pit guy, so I worked down below the cars, I would pull the oil plug, I would change the oil filter, I would let them know when it was ready to fill the car back up with oil, and I was greasy and oily and in this dark basement like most of the day, four days a week, 10 hour days, and I absolutely loved it. And I got so good at it and I loved it so much that I just wanted to be the assistant manager at the oil change shop. That was like my. That would be me arriving at the ultimate destination in my life. And so much so that even when I started that job, when I was in high school and I remember before undergrad, I tell my dad I'm like, dad, listen, like I'm going to have a 401k, I'm going to have the things that my manager has a house and a car and a motorcycle, that my manager has a house and a car and a motorcycle and I'm going to have a key to the shop and like I'll be rolling, like I'll be doing it, I'm going to make 10 bucks an hour, it's going to be epic and I'm going to do that for the rest of my life and I'll be set Bad decision.
Dr. Daniel:My dad knew it was a bad decision. I did not. I thought it was like the ultimate decision. And you know, if you work on cars like, that's not, that's not the point, right. The point is that my dad understood that like, hey, you being like an assistant manager at the oil chain shop, uh, is probably not going to get you what you want in life forever. And you're young and you're dumb and you're in high school and just like, listen to me.
Dr. Daniel:So my dad literally made me, he forced me to go to college. So I thought I was smarter than him and I'm like dad, okay, I got you. You're saying I got to go to college. I can't be the assistant manager at the oil change shop, I can't take this job. So I'm going to, I'm going to apply to one college and I'm going to hope that I don't get accepted. And when I don't get accepted, then that will be my out to just do what I wanted to do, which was be the assistant manager of the oil chain shop. And wouldn't you know that God had different plans for me? And I got accepted and my plan completely backfired. Good decision.
Dr. Daniel:So it was a really, really good decision to listen to my dad. It was a really, really good decision to go all in on what I, what I ultimately would not have done, and it led me here. And that's what's so funny about it is like how many times have you made a decision that you felt like was going to be the right decision and then, looking back on it, you're like I'm so glad it didn't go that way, and I think this is kind of what we're talking about. And so what I tell these mamas is I'm like you're. Nobody has ever, like in the history of the world, ever. I don't think anyone has ever said I wish I didn't listen to my intuition, like I wish I wouldn't have listened to what my gut was telling me to do. I wish I wouldn't have listened to what my heart was telling me to do. And the reason that people don't do that is because there's something to our intuition and making good decisions.
Dr. Daniel:So, you know, I go to college, I start to learn a whole bunch about success and about the brain and about how people are successful and what makes somebody successful, and I get super, super passionate about it and what makes somebody successful, and I get super, super passionate about it. And I find myself at this crossroads of teaching and, while I won't give you all the details, I can remember being at someone's house and I was offered some drugs that were very, very hard. This was a dark place in my life, like one of the darkest places in my life and I don't know how many people know this story. It's very, very few, but I won't give you all the details of it. But what I will tell you is that I had a moment where, even though I got to become a teacher, I was offered these drugs and my decision was no, I'm not going to do that. My decision was no, I'm not going to do that. And that decision led to me going to chiropractic school. So again, another good decision. Why, I have no idea, like I would, everything in my heart wanted to pull me in the opposite direction. I say, everything in my logical brain wanted me to pull me in the opposite direction, but something in my heart was just like no, you need to leave right now. And I left and ended up going to chiropractic school, leaving all the old life behind and like literally started over. So again, another good decision.
Dr. Daniel:Um, everybody told us it was a terrible idea to move to Dana point, california, to start a business on your own. Um, plus the, how much money we have borrowed from the government to go through chiropractic school. There's a lot in it. And again, one of arguably one of the best decisions I could have possibly ever made in my entire life. So here's why I share this with you is because we all know inherently what's right, like, talk to anybody, Um, I can give you my dad, for an example.
Dr. Daniel:I'm like, dad, you got to quit smoking, like, and I would tell that. I remember, like my brother and I made a deal with him. We're like, dad, listen, we'll paint the whole house for you, but you got to promise that you won't smoke inside anymore, and we thought that would get him to quit smoking. And he's like nope, he just started, he just kept smoking, but smoked outside and he honored it, which is super cool, but he never quit smoking. And so, like, we would tell him all the time it's like, dad, you got to quit smoking. It says literally, it says right on the box that it'll cause cancer. And still, I love him so much, miss him so much, he continued to smoke.
Dr. Daniel:And so I think the reason that this matters and the reason I shared those stories with you is because we all know what's right and what's wrong. We all know what a good decision is and what a bad decision is, and yet, for some reason, we make choices that keep us stuck and keep us from going to where we say that we want to go. And my question is why, like? Why does that happen? And I think for me, the reason that I made decisions that didn't necessarily line up with what I said I wanted in my life, in the beginning of my life, and obviously I made some good decisions to get to where I am, and it was one small decision stacked on top of another small decision stacked on top of another small decision. That were good decisions, moving me in the right direction. But I think a lot of times we make bad decisions because we're afraid of what our responsibility will be if we make a good decision.
Dr. Daniel:And I see this with so many people inside of our office where, you know, we sit down and we talk about hey, what do you have going on and how long has it been going on? And the reality is is like most people struggle, most people suffer, and that becomes a part of their identity and they don't want to let it go. And they don't want to let it go because it's going to require them to show up differently in the world and they don't have the tools to deal with it. And my encouragement for you on this episode is simple. It's really, really simple. It's like what can you do to start to tune into what your gut, what your heart, is telling you? What can you do to start to express more passion and more purpose and more excitement and fulfillment inside of your life? Because, ultimately, all of us were designed to be successful Like I know this to be true through all the research, the research on the hidden curriculum and the research on the brain and the research on stress and the research on adverse childhood experiences it all leads back to the same idea that we are designed to be super successful and the only thing that holds us back from that is making good decisions.
Dr. Daniel:So my question for you is like where are you not making good decisions? And it's not, it's not the big ones that matter, it's really the small ones, right? It's a small one. For me, it was a small one to say no. For me, it was a small one to say like, yes, dad, okay, I will apply to college just to appease you. For me, it was a small one to say, yes, I'm going to go to chiropractic school. For me, it was the small one to tell my daughter, no, she can't climb on that thing, because it was going to keep her safe and protected.
Dr. Daniel:And it's the small decisions that add up over time that ultimately allow us to be what I would argue ultimately successful. So where's inside of your life are you making decisions that may or may not be leading you to success? And what is one small? It's not a big one, it's just one. What's the one small decision you could make today that may alter the trajectory of everywhere you go forever from now on? And when you stack that one small decision with another small decision and another small decision, what I know to be true from the people that we worked with, from the people that I've coached to my own life and watching my daughter's life and my wife as well, is that the small decisions stacked over time will completely change the game for you. So, my friends, hope you got some value out of it and I'll come back to you again next week. Peace.
Speaker 2:Thank you for listening to the Nexus podcast with your host, Dr Daniel Kimbley. If you're interested in receiving more information about optimizing your brain and nervous system, check out our website at wwwNexusFamilyChiropracticcom.